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Authors   >   Elise Dewsberry

Elise Dewsberry

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Elise Dewsberry has had a varied career as a director, writer, dramaturge, performer and producer. In addition to Any Body Home?, she has collaborated with Carl Ritchie on the one-act plays Connected, which premiered at the Lunchbox Theatre in Calgary, Alberta, and The Muffin Club. Her baby-boomer musical called Mortgage! was co-written with David Warrack and Michael Lamport. She was co-director, along with Virginia Reh, of Script Lab, Toronto's home for developing scripts, from 1990 to 1999. Dewsberry now lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter and spends all of her spare time touring in the one-woman musical comedies Nine Months and Nine Months Two written by Carl Ritchie and Stephen Woodjetts.

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